Tuesday, December 13, 2022

144: Evidence against temperature adjustments #4 (British Isles)

In the previous four posts I examined the temperature changes for Ireland (see Post 140), Scotland (see Post 142), England (see Post 143) and Great Britain (see Post 141). While all four sets of temperature data appeared similar from 1900 onwards, there were some differences, and these differences were most apparent in a comparison of the earlier data for Ireland and Great Britain. When the Great Britain data was separated into different trends for Scotland and England a similar degree of difference was observed with the Scotland data appearing to correlate more closely with Ireland, and England with Great Britain. In this post I will look to show this pictorially by comparing the various trends directly.

First, if we compare the data for Ireland, Scotland and England with Great Britain we see that England shows the closest agreement after 1900 but Scotland shows the better agreement before 1840 (see Fig. 144.1 below). The data depicted here are the 5-year moving averages of the mean temperature anomalies (MTAs) for each country as shown by the yellow curves in Fig. 140.2, Fig. 141.2, Fig. 142.2 and Fig. 143.2 in previous posts.

Fig. 144.1: The 5-year average temperature trends since 1760 for Ireland, Scotland and England each compared to that of Great Britain. For clarity the trends for Ireland and England are offset by +2°C and -1.5°C respectively.

What is striking about the trends in Fig. 144.1 is how similar they all are after 1860, while the greatest disparities occur before 1860. The reason for this is evident from Fig. 144.2 below which shows that the number of stations used to calculate each of the MTA for Ireland, Scotland and England drops below five before 1870. From this we can conclude two things. First, this suggests that if there are too few stations used in determining the MTA the accuracy decreases. Secondly we see that when there are sufficient stations used to determine the MTA the accuracy is so good that there is little difference between the MTA for different neighbouring countries. 

This is not the first time such conclusions have been drawn. The same effects were seen in Post 138 (Evidence against temperature adjustments #3) comparing trends in the different Scandinavian countries and Post 57 (The case against temperature data adjustments #1) comparing them in various central European countries. In all cases the conclusion is the same. If trends for neighbouring countries agree, then they are likely to all be correct, not all equally incorrect. Therefore no adjustments to the temperature data are needed or justified. A similar result is also encountered when comparing random samples of stations from the same region as was shown for the USA in Post 67 (More evidence against temperature data adjustments #2). The reason for this is that averaging a sufficiently large number of independent data sets results in a reduction in the size of the errors imported from each. This is known as regression towards the mean.

Fig. 144.2: The number of station records included each month in the averaging for the mean temperature trends in Fig. 144.1.

The second comparison I have performed is to compare data for Ireland, Scotland and England with each other. This is shown in Fig. 144.3 below. Now we see that the two countries that agree most closely are Scotland and Ireland while the data for England appears to exhibit more warming after 1980 and before 1900. This additional warming could be in excess of 0.5°C since 1840.

Fig. 144.3: Comparisons of the 5-year average temperature trends since 1760 for England and Scotland (two top curves, both offset by +2°C), Scotland and Ireland (two middle curves), and Ireland and England (two bottom curves, both offset by -2°C).


Once again a comparison of temperature data for neighbouring countries indicates that most adjustments to the data are unnecessary as the averaging process will correct for most errors via regression towards the mean.

The data for Scotland and Ireland are in closest agreement, probably because both have similar population densities and are more rural.

The data for England is in closest agreement with that of Great Britain, probably because England is the largest country in Great Britain and so its stations will always make the dominant contribution compared to other countries such as Scotland or Wales. 

The greater warming seen in England (of over 0.5°C) is further evidence that warming within countries is driven not just by carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere and the greenhouse effect, but by local energy consumption as well. So net-zero will not be a panacea.

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