Friday, March 11, 2022

98. What happened to Louisiana temperatures in 1957?

Fig. 98.1: Global average land temperatures since 1850 according to Berkeley Earth.

In my previous post looking at the temperature trend for Louisiana (Post 97) I showed that the mean temperature in the region had declined by almost 0.2°C in the last century or so. This is in sharp contrast to the claim from most climate scientists that average temperatures have increased by almost 1.2°C in that time, and that this increase is even greater on land. In fact Berkeley Earth claims the increase in land temperatures since 1850 to be in excess of 2°C (see Fig. 98.1 above). But while analysing the Louisiana data one feature stood out that makes me query both the results of my last post and the analysis processes of Berkeley Earth (BE). 

In 1957 the temperature appears to drop suddenly and permanently by about 0.615°C (see black arrow on Fig. 98.2 below). What makes this feature significant is that similar temperature falls at identical times can be seen in the most of the individual temperature records for Louisiana. But they can also be seen in the temperature trends of neighbouring states like Texas. 

So is this temperature drop due to a sudden and large, natural change in the local climate? Or is it due to a change in the data measurement and analysis? If it is the latter then it needs to be corrected for and that will change drastically the true temperature trend. If it is the former then it raises serious questions about how the climate changes over time. In this post I will look at this feature in more detail and try to answer those questions.


Fig. 98.2: The mean temperature change for Louisiana relative to the 1951-1980 monthly averages. The best fit (white line) is applied to the monthly mean data from 1911 to 2010 and has a negative gradient of -0.38 ± 0.15 °C per century. The arrow and red line indicate the position and size of the data discontinuity.

The data in Fig. 98.2 above is the part of the same data that was presented previously in Fig. 97.1 of Post 97. In this case I am concentrating only on data after 1910 which, as I pointed out in Post 97, is the most reliable as it all results from an averaging of over forty distinct temperature records (see Fig. 97.2). The white line in Fig. 98.2 is the best fit to the data from 1911 to 2010 and has a strong negative gradient of -0.38°C per century. This is somewhat more negative than the trend in Fig. 97.1 because the fitting range is different. This shows how the value of the best fit gradient can be strongly influenced by the data range, particularly when the data exhibits large fluctuations.

The point of interest in the data above is in 1957 (as indicated by the large black arrow) where the mean temperature appears to drop suddenly and permanently by about 0.615°C. This can be seen clearly in the yellow line which is the 5-year moving average of the monthly anomaly data. It is also illustrated by the red line which is effectively two separate lines: the average temperature for 1921-1960 and the average for 1961-1990. In both cases the discontinuity is clear. The magnitude of the vertical discontinuity can be estimated from the discontinuity in the red line and is 0.615°C. 

Fig. 98.3: The mean temperature change for Louisiana after breakpoint adjustment. The best fit is applied to the monthly mean data from 1911 to 2010 and has a positive gradient of +0.54 ± 0.15 °C per century.

The next step is to remove the discontinuity by shifting upwards all the data after the start of 1958 in Fig. 98.2 by the size of the discontinuity, 0.615°C. The result is shown in Fig. 98.3 above. Two things are striking about the result. First, the gradient of the best fit is now strongly positive (+0.54°C per century) suggesting that the climate is warming. And secondly, the data just looks better with a more consistent trend. Of course just because data looks nicer does not prove that it is more reliable or more accurate.


Fig. 98.4: The total contribution of Berkeley Earth (BE) adjustments to the Louisiana temperature data. The orange curve shows the contribution just from breakpoint adjustments. The blue curve represents the total BE adjustments including those from homogenization. The linear best fit (red line) to the total BE adjustments for the period 1911-2010 has a positive gradient of +0.731 ± 0.004 °C per century.

The process I have employed here is virtually identical in concept to the breakpoint adjustments used by Berkeley Earth (BE). The main difference is that I have only applied one adjustment to the final mean temperature data whereas Berkeley Earth apply multiple adjustments of differing magnitudes and times to almost every station dataset. The sum total of those BE adjustments for the Louisiana data is shown in Fig. 98.4 above and the result is a huge warming trend of +0.73°C per century. This is warming that is added to the original data as I showed in Post 97. Yet the 0.6°C discontinuity in the middle of 1957 still remains in the adjusted BE data even after their adjustments have been made as the arrow in Fig. 98.5 below indicates. So the BE adjustments have not corrected the most glaring issue with the original data, which does rather raise a lot of questions regarding the accuracy and validity of the BE adjustments that are made.

Fig. 98.5: Temperature trends for Louisiana based on Berkeley Earth adjusted data from the 90 longest station data records. The best fit linear trend line (in red) is for the period 1911-2010 and has a gradient of +0.37 ± 0.05°C/century.

This is not the first time I have encountered these sudden jumps in temperature data. A similar upward jump in temperature of over 1°C can be seen in the temperature trend for Europe in 1988 (see Fig. 44.1 in Post 44). So what is the cause? At the moment I can only think of two explanations: a natural phenomenon that suddenly changes the local climate, or a sudden change in measurement equipment or methodology that is applied across all stations in a region simultaneously. But so far I can find no evidence for either. Of course the natural phenomenon may not have occurred in 1957 or at any other recent time before that. The complex dynamics of the Earth's climate could mean we are seeing the ripples now of forcing events many centuries ago. In Post 9 and Post 17 I have investigated chaotic effects in the temperature record and found evidence of fractal behaviour that can persist for centuries.

Fig. 98.6: The mean temperature change for Texas relative to the 1961-1990 monthly averages. The best fit (white line) is applied to the monthly mean data from 1911 to 2010 and has a negative gradient of -0.15 ± 0.15 °C per century. The arrow and red line indicate the position and size of the data discontinuity.

What is clear is that this temperature discontinuity is not restricted to Louisiana. The same data anomaly can be seen in the temperature trend for Texas that I analysed in Post 52. This is shown in Fig. 98.6 above with the breakpoint adjusted temperatures shown in Fig. 98.7 below.


 Fig. 98.7: The mean temperature change for Texas after breakpoint adjustment. The best fit is applied to the monthly mean data from 1911 to 2010 and has a positive gradient of +0.56 ± 0.15 °C per century.

After the breakpoint adjustment the temperature trend for Texas is now positive and virtually identical to that of Louisiana in Fig. 98.3. There also appears to be a strong correlation between the 5-year moving average (yellow curves) of each. This suggests that the region could have warmed by about 0.5°C over the last one hundred years. However, as I pointed out in Post 52, direct anthropogenic surface heating (DASH) or waste heat equating to about 0.7 W/m2 is probably currently warming Texas by up to 0.3 °C compared to 1850. That only leaves about 0.2°C for carbon dioxide induced climate change. This in line with the temperature rise I estimated in Post 87 and a long way short of the 2°C claimed by Berkeley Earth and others. So even with this adjustment there is little evidence to support severe carbon dioxide induced climate change in Louisiana or Texas.

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