Wednesday, June 17, 2020

14. Surface heating

The principal claim made by climate scientists is that global temperatures have increased by about 1 °C over the last 100 years. In the last post I outlined three ways that this might happen. The first, which was due to changes in the amount of solar radiation reaching the Earth, I discounted due to a lack of evidence or plausible mechanism. The last, changes to the radiative forcing term I will discuss at a later date. In this post I will consider the second possibility: changes to the amount of direct heat absorption at the surface of the Earth. There are essentially only two ways this can happen: (i) through changes to the Earth’s reflectivity or albedo; (ii) by direct heating of the surface from energy sources other than the Sun.

(i) Changing the Earth’s albedo.

As I explained in the last post, one way that the Earth's surface temperature might change is if the proportion of light from the Sun that is reflected from the surface were to change. The amount reflected is called the albedo. This effect can be seen in Fig. 14.1 below which is taken from a 2009 paper by Kevin Trenberth, John Fasullo and Jeffrey Kiehl (Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. 90 (3): 311–324). On the left of Fig. 14.1 where the direct radiation from the Sun (in yellow) impacts the surface, the radiation is partially reflected with 23 W/m2 being reflected and 161 W/m2 is absorbed. This equates to an albedo of 0.125 ( = 23/(23+161) ).

As an aside: it seems slightly suspicious that the fractions reflected at the surface (1/8) and at the top of the atmosphere (102/341 = 30%) are so close to simple fractions. Does this indicate a high degree of uncertainty in these numbers, I wonder?

Fig. 14.1: The Earth's energy balance according to Trenberth et al. (2009). 

In order for the surface temperature of the Earth to have increased by 1 °C, one way that this could have happened would be for the amount of energy absorbed at the surface to have increased over time by 2.3 W/m2. If this were to be achieved through changes to the albedo, then the albedo would need to have decreased from 0.1375 to 0.125. That is a change of 0.0125. So how likely is this?

The albedo of the Earth's surface depends of the type of material of the surface, as shown in Table 14.1. It also depends on the angle of incidence of the light as light tends to reflect more off surfaces at glazing incidence. So ocean water at the equator has a lower albedo than it does near the poles. However, there is also much less surface area near the poles which consequently reduces the contribution of high angle reflectance. 

  Surface  % of Earth's
    Surface Area   
    Contribution to the    
Earth's Albedo
Ocean          71.00           6                 0.0426
Forest            7.62       8-18                 0.0091
Grassland            7.93         25                 0.0198
Arable            2.37         17                 0.0040
Desert sand                    5.51         40                 0.0220
Urban            0.21         20                 0.0004
Glaciers & ice caps              2.90         80                 0.0232
Shrub & tundra            2.46         15                 0.0037

Table 14.1: Approximate albedo of different parts of the Earth's surface.

The most common claims made about land use and climate changes are in regard to deforestation, increasing agricultural use, and increased urbanization. First it is claimed that deforestation for farming, particularly livestock farming aids global warming. As far as changes to the albedo are concerned, the evidence in Table 14.1 seems to point the other way. Turning forests into grassland increases the albedo.

Urbanization is also generally believed to reduce albedo, partly through what is termed the urban heat island (UHI) effect. This is the theory that cities with large amounts of concrete soak up more heat, and tall buildings trap that heat. This may be true, but it may also be a small localized effect. Again the data in Table 14.1 does not support it as a major driver of global warming.

A third claim is often made about polar ice and glaciers. The claim is that, because ice and snow have high levels of albedo, any change in their total albedo would have a large impact on global temperatures. The two main negative effects cited tend to be reductions in area by melting, or black carbon soot particles that drop on the surface and reduce the albedo. The main problem here is that the changes required are huge; a 54% decrease in area, or a decrease in albedo from 0.80 to 0.37. The first obviously has not and will not happen, and the latter is very unlikely as it would require huge levels of soot deposits.

The conclusion is, therefore, that changes to the Earth's albedo are difficult to achieve, and any that might have occurred have probably produced very little real effect in terms of increasing global temperatures.

(ii) Direct anthropogenic surface heating due to human and industrial activity.

The proposition here is this. All energy generation by humans results in an output of heat or thermal energy. Not only does every industrial process produce waste heat, but all mechanical work that is done by that process eventually ends up as heat or entropy as well. These are the consequences of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, and as every physicist knows, nothing can defeat the Second Law of Thermodynamics. So as temperature is just a measure of heat and entropy, it follows that everything humans do, every industrial process they create, all the energy that goes in will, in the end, just heat up the environment.

In the last post I showed that an increase of 2.3 ± 0.5 W/m2 in the amount of radiation at the surface would raise global temperatures by 1 °C. So if we can work out what the rate of energy production and consumption by humans is, then we can equate that to a global temperature rise. The starting point for this is clear: we know from IPCC reports and the protestations of climate scientists that the human race currently emits 36 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere. That CO2 is created primarily by three processes.

The first is the burning of pure carbon (from coal) that produces an energy output of 394 kJ/mol for the process


The second is burning of methane (natural gas) that produces an energy output of 882 kJ/mol for the process


The third is the burning of higher alkanes (from oil) that produces an energy output of about 660 kJ per mole of CO2 for the process


Each of the above energy outputs is for the burning of carbon or hydrocarbons to produce one mole of CO2. To work out how energy that amounts to in total we need to know how much of each type of fossil fuel was used.

In 2018 global coal production was 7665 million tonnes, natural gas production was 3955 billion cubic metres or 2786 million tonnes (assuming 1 cubic metre = 704.5 g), and crude oil production was 4472 million tonnes. That suggests a mean energy output of about 560 kJ/mol. As 36 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide equates to 8.18 x 10m14 moles, then the total energy consumption would have been 4.58 x 1020 J for the year, or 52,268 TWh.

Fig. 14.2: Global fossil fuel consumption since 1800.

However, according to the Our World In Data website, the global energy consumption from fossil fuels in 2017 amounted to 36,704 TWh from natural gas, 53,752 TWh from crude oil and 43,397 TWh from coal (see Fig. 14.2 above). The total of these values (133,853 TWh) is 2.53 times the value based on CO2 emissions and suggests only 39% of fossil fuel combustion results in CO2. This higher figure equates to an average power density at the Earth's surface of 0.030 W/m2 across the whole surface of the Earth. That is turn implies a global temperature increase (based on the 2.3 W/m2 required for a 1 °C increase that I demonstrated in the last post) of 0.013 °C compared to pre-industrial times. This, though, still omits the impact of nuclear power and renewables.

Fig. 14.3: Global energy production by energy type (2005-2018).

According to renewables and nuclear energy accounted for 15.3% of global energy consumption in 2018, and fossil fuel usage in 2018 exceeded that in 2017 (see Fig. 14.3 above), so that implies a global temperature increase of at least 0.015 °C compared to pre-industrial times. This temperature increase of 0.015 °C is, however, at least 60 times less than the one the IPCC is claiming for global warming since 1850. So this suggests that any resulting surface heating is such a small effect that we can safely ignore it, right? Well, not so fast.

We know that this heat is not spread evenly, its impact is greatest in the areas where most people live and work. We know that 90% of people live in the Northern Hemisphere; we know that 99.999% of people live on land. It is also true that 90% of weather stations are in the Northern Hemisphere, and at least 99.9% of them are on land. In other words there is a high degree of correlation between where people live, where industrial energy usage is, and where the weather stations are. For example, 19.7% of the Earth's surface is land in the Northern Hemisphere. So if 90% of the energy use is found there then the mean temperature rise on land in the Northern Hemisphere will be 0.069 °C. But of course, even that fails to tell the whole story. If we look at individual countries the results become even more stark.

If we start with what has been, historically, the biggest CO2 producer, the USA, we see that it accounts for about 20% of global energy use despite being home to only 4.3% of the world's population, and covering only 1.6% of the Earth's surface area. That suggests that the power density for surface heating in the USA should be about 0.38 W/m2 (an increase by a factor of 12.6 on the global average of 0.03 W/m2). This picture is confirmed by data from the US Energy Information Administration that indicates that the total power consumption of the 48 contiguous states (excluding Hawaii and Alaska) is 100.3 x 1015 BTU (see Fig. 14.4 below) over an area of 8.08 x 106 km2. As 1 BTU (British thermal unit) is the equivalent of 1055 J, this gives a power density for surface heating of 0.42 W/m2. Yet this increases to 0.69 W/m2 in Texas and 1.11 W/m2 in Pennsylvania. That means that the temperature rise in Pennsylvania due to surface heating is almost 0.5 °C. But if we look at Europe the situation is even more extreme.

 Fig. 14.4: US energy consumption since 1950 by sector (in BTU).

According to the IEA, the UK's energy usage in 2018 was 177 million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe), or 2059 TWh (1 Mtoe = 11.63 MWh). As the area of the UK is only 242,495 km2, that equates to a power density of 0.97 W/m2 and a temperature rise of 0.42 °C. But it is safe to assume that that energy usage will not be spread evenly across the country. At least 84% of both the UK population and UK economic activity is found in England (with an area of 130,395 km2) which implies a temperature rise for England alone of 0.66 °C. Yet that is still modest compared to Belgium and the Netherlands with their much higher population densities (see Table 14.2 below) where the projected temperature rise is close to 1.0 °C. That is more than the IPCC claims for global warming from greenhouse gas emissions.

  Country  Energy Usage
  Power Density
 Temperature Rise
UK                 177                 0.97                 0.42
Italy                 151                 0.66                 0.29
France                 245                 0.50                 0.22
Belgium                   52                 2.25                 0.98
Netherlands                      72                 2.30                 1.00
Germany                 298                 1.11                 0.48
Austria                   33                 0.52                 0.23
Switzerland                   24                 0.77                 0.34

Table 14.2: Energy usage, surface heating and temperature rise in Europe.

What Table 14.2 illustrates is that surface heating is a significant factor in overall global warming, and it is occurring in every major EU country, including those that border the Alps. In fact the average temperature rise over all five of the main alpine countries is 0.30 °C. It is perhaps no wonder then that the alpine glaciers have been retreating for over a century, while those in Norway and New Zealand, where the population density (and also the economic activity) is much lower, have remained more stable. But what this warming is not due to is increased CO2 levels in the atmosphere or an enhanced Greenhouse Effect. That is a completely separate issue.

The conclusion we can draw from this is that, in most developed countries, warming of up to 1.0 °C has occurred since pre-industrial times, and this warming is solely a result of industrial activity and the heat that is generated as a result of that activity. This will occur irrespective of the energy type or source used because it is the heat that is directly warming the planet, not increases in the concentration of waste gases that then add to the Greenhouse Effect. This also means that when the energy usage goes down, the temperature should go down.

This has major implications for future energy policy because it means that nuclear power and most renewables are no better than fossil fuels. It also means that the efficiency of energy generation is as important as the quantity of energy generation in determining the amount of warming.

Fig. 14.5: Efficiencies of different power sources.

As an example of the impact of energy efficiency consider the case of solar photovoltaics. The relative efficiencies of different power sources are illustrated in Fig. 14.5 above. Of these photovoltaics are among the least efficient. They are in fact only about 15% efficient, meaning that for every 100 joules of energy they harvest from the Sun, they only create 15 joules of electricity. Yet in order to do this solar cells need to be 95% efficient in terms of absorbing incoming solar radiation. In other words their albedo needs to be less than 0.05. That means that for every 100 joules of solar radiation that falls on a solar cell, 5 joules is reflected back into space, 15 joules is turned into electricity (which will then become surface heat at the point of use), and 80 joules becomes waste surface heat in the solar cell.

Now a fashionable policy proposal at the moment is to put large numbers of photovoltaics in the Sahara Desert and then pump the electricity they produce to wherever it is needed. The problem is that not only will the electricity generated heat the location of its end user, but the solar cells will heat up the desert by decreasing the local albedo from 0.40 to 0.05. That is a double whammy. It is global warming without the need for CO2. Now you don't hear much about that from climate scientists.

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