Thursday, August 4, 2022

125: Queensland revisited - temperature trends STABLE to 1980

In Post 24 I interrogated the temperature data of Queensland. This Australian state had 28 long stations and a further 85 medium stations in its Berkeley Earth (BE) dataset as listed here. Averaging the anomalies from these 113 stations resulted in a mean temperature anomaly (MTA) that appeared to exhibit a warming of 0.7°C since 1900 as shown in Fig. 125.1 below. But is this the true picture? In this post I will show how the data can be reinterpreted, and thus deliver different results without altering the actual data.

Fig. 125.1: The mean temperature change for Queensland since 1887. The best fit is applied to the monthly mean data from 1901 to 2004 and has a positive gradient of +0.74 ± 0.08 °C per century.

The first problem with the data in Fig. 125.1 is that not all the 113 stations used are of equal length. That means that the MTA before 1905 is dependent on data from less than twenty stations rather than over one hundred as was the case in the 1980s, as the graph in Fig. 125.2 below indicates. This suggests that the data after 1920 will be more reliable than the data before.

Fig. 125.2: The number of station records included each month in the mean temperature anomaly (MTA) trend for Queensland in Fig. 125.1.

Then there is the impact of the fitting range. Applying linear regression to the entire range of data is often inappropriate because the data may have different behaviours or trends at different times. This appears to be the case for the data in Fig. 125.1 as data after 1975 is clearly behaving differently to data before that date.

So suppose we look just at data after 1920 and only fit to data before 1980. Then the picture changes from that presented in Fig. 125.1. The best fit trend line to the data now rises less steeply by only 0.2°C or so before 1980 (see Fig. 125.3 below), and while there is a larger jump after 1975 of about 0.3°C again, this appears to be temporary as the temperature returns to trend after 2010 (although that may just be a temporary reversal). So changing the interval of the linear regression fit can also change the result, or at least change our perceptions, interpretations and conclusions.

Fig. 125.3: The mean temperature change for Queensland since 1920. The best fit is applied to the monthly mean data from 1921 to 1980 and has a positive gradient of +0.29 ± 0.19 °C per century.

What is more, this temperature rise from 1921 to 1980 seen in Fig. 125.3 is more consistent with that seen for the longest temperature record for the state, Brisbane Regional Office (ID 152224), as shown in Fig. 125.4 below. Unusually, this record shows only modest warming despite coming from the middle of the largest urban area in the state. As I will show in future posts, the urban heat island (UHI) effect, where large urban areas lead to a greater warming of the local environment than is seen in more rural areas, or for the region as a whole, can be a serious issue. It usually results in greater warming for stations in large, dense, urban environments compared to the regional average, not less. But not here.

Fig. 125.4: The mean temperature change for Brisbane since 1887. The best fit is applied to the monthly mean data from 1901 to 2004 and has a positive gradient of +0.22 ± 0.08 °C per century.

All this indicates the difficulties in interpreting temperature data correctly. Not all times in history have equal quality of data, and even if they did, the natural variability in that data means that you need long time intervals to see the true trend. And even then your conclusions will be affected by your choices in how the data is analysed.

So which is the better interpretation of the data, Fig. 125.1 or Fig 125.3? My opinion is Fig. 125.3 because it focuses on the better data. The data analysis also fits to data that is less variable, and therefore more reliable. It is too early to know if the temperature rise after 1975 is part of a trend or whether it is just temporary, so the better approach is to treat it almost as a separate dataset and compare it with what went before. 

The temperature dips in Fig. 125.1 before 1910 are also of questionable veracity. Are they the latter part of an upward trend or are they just just natural variability? Without extra data before 1880 we don't know, and even if that upward trend exists, then why does it exist? Because it can't be caused by rises in CO2 because those rises were negligible before 1910. In fact CO2 levels in 1910 are estimated to be less than 300 ppm which is a rise of only 6% since 1800. That is nowhere near enough to produce temperature rises of 1°C or more. In fact it would barely result in rises of 0.1°C (see Fig. 87.3 in Post 87).

But of course not everyone sees things this way. One problem with climate science is the amount of data adjustments that are used to correct for perceived data flaws in the temperature data. But as I have shown repeatedly throughout this blog, those adjustments appear hard to justify from any statistical perspective. The raw data is far more reliable than is often assumed, and this can be evidenced by the repeated behaviours seen in temperature trends based on raw data from neighbouring regions that consistently correlate. Many (but not all) of these adjustments also appear to add warming more often than they reduce it, and so appear to exaggerate the amount of climate change that is occurring.

But perhaps one of the most concerning aspects of temperature adjustments is that they are not permanent. The same data often continues to be readjusted over time, and more often each adjustment makes the claims for the warming trend even greater. As exhibit #1 I give you the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM). According to the BoM the climate of Queensland has warmed by about 1.65°C since 1910 as shown in Fig. 125.5 below. Yet the raw data in Fig. 125.1 suggests that the warming is less than half this value and Fig. 125.3 suggests it may be less than 0.3°C. The problem is that the data shown in Fig. 125.5, which is the official BoM version for July 2022, is rather different from the version published in 2010.

Fig. 125.5: The mean temperature change for Queensland since 1910 according to BoM in 2022. The best fit line has a positive gradient of 1.5 °C per century.

In 2010 the temperature trend for Queensland according to the BoM was as shown in Fig. 125.6 below (h/t Ken's Kingdom). Yes it has twelve years less data, but that is not the only difference. Many of the temperature anomalies before 2010 have rather different values compared to now, and so too does the linear trend which was only 1.0°C per century; this despite there being no change in the 30-year reference period of 1961-1990. Now some of the change in linear trend may be due to the extra data after 2010, but not all. It is quite clear that most of the annual anomalies before 1980 in Fig. 125.6 are larger or less negative than was the case for anomalies for the same year in Fig. 125.5 above, while anomalies for most years after 1980 in Fig. 125.6 have smaller values when compared to the corresponding anomaly in Fig. 125.5.

Fig. 125.6: The mean temperature change for Queensland since 1910 according to BoM in 2010. The best fit line has a positive gradient of 1.0 °C per century.

It may be difficult for some readers to spot the difference because we are talking of changes of less than 0.2°C in the height of the bars, but if we overlay the data from Fig. 125.6 on top of that from Fig. 125.5 the differences become more apparent. This is done in Fig. 125.7 below with the 2010 data from Fig. 125.6 coloured green (for positive vales) or sea-green (for negative values) and being slightly translucent so that the red and blue coloured bars from 2022 can be seen underneath.

Fig. 125.7: A comparison of BoM annual temperature anomalies for Queensland from 2022 (red and blue) and 2020 (green).

What Fig. 125.7 shows quite clearly is that the temperature anomalies before 1980 were up to 0.2°C greater back in 2010, while those after 1980 were up to 0.2°C smaller in value. In other words, the extra adjustments made to the data since 2010 have added up to 0.4°C of warming. And yet neither set of data is comparable to the unadjusted data in Fig. 125.3 where the warming is estimated at less than 0.3°C.


Re-analysis of the unadjusted Queensland temperature data from Post 24 shows that the state may have warmed by as little as 0.3°C since 1920 (see Fig. 125.3).

The most extreme analysis of the unadjusted data indicates that the warming since 1900 is less than 0.8°C (see Fig. 125.1).

According to the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) in 2010, there had been 1.0°C of warming from 1910 to 2010 (see Fig. 125.6).

In 2022 the BoM now claims that warming since 1910 has increased to 1.65°C (see 125.5).

Adjustments made to the 1910-2010 data by the BoM since 2010 appear to have added up to 0.4°C of warming (see Fig. 125.7). So up to 60% of the 0.65°C temperature rise claimed by the BoM since 2010 could be due to data readjustments for data before 2010.

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