Friday, September 11, 2020

36. Lateral thought #2 - does human respiration cause carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere to increase?

Does breathing contribute to a build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? This was the subject of an article on the Skeptical Science website that I came across recently that claimed to be debunking a climate myth. That supposed myth was that breathing contributes to a build-up of CO2 in the atmosphere.

The article is not new: it was first published ten years ago. The central point of the article was to refute claims supposedly made by climate sceptics that breathing by humans adds carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, and so contributes to global warming. But after reading the article and many of the comments I realized that not only was the entire article wrong, so too were most of the comments. 

The motivation for the article appears to be a throw-away comment by Australian academic Professor Ian Plimer, Professor of Mining Geology (University of Adelaide) and Emeritus Professor of Earth Sciences (University of Melbourne), in an ABC radio interview regarding his latest book. The comment was a response to claims made in a green paper by Australian Climate Minister and Senator Penny Wong regarding the threat of climate change where she claimed carbon was a pollutant. In reply Professor Plimer said:

"If Senator Wong was really serious about her science she would stop breathing because you inhale air that's got 385 parts per million carbon dioxide in it and you exhale air with about ten times as much, and that extra carbon comes from what you eat."

I'm still not sure why that statement riled the people at Skeptical Science so much, other than it came from a climate sceptic attacking a supporter of global warming. To me it just seems like a statement of fact and a reference to the carbon cycle. It is therefore doubly puzzling that those same people at Skeptical Science then chose to use the carbon cycle to refute a claim that was not explicitly made, namely that breathing contributes to a build-up of CO2 in the atmosphere. The argument outlined in the rebuttal by Skeptical Science basically came down to saying:

"Therefore, when we breathe out, all the carbon dioxide we exhale has already been accounted for. We are simply returning to the air the same carbon that was there to begin with."

The problem is this is not quite true. Actually, it is not true at all. In fact I will now explain why breathing by humans may have actually contributed to a build-up of CO2 in the atmosphere over the last 100 years.

 Fig. 36.1 The carbon cycle.

The first problem with invoking the carbon cycle is that there is no such thing. There is no single carbon cycle. Instead there are multiple interlocking cycles as illustrated in Fig. 36.1 above. I've listed three possibilities below.

Atmosphere  ==>  plants  ==>  soil (bacteria)  ==>  atmosphere.

Atmosphere  ==>  plants  ==>  animals  ==>  atmosphere.

Atmosphere  ==>  ocean plants (algae)  ==>  oceans (bacteria)  ==>  atmosphere.

So the CO2 doesn't just go round in a circle, as is claimed: it goes around multiple circles. 

The second problem is that the carbon cycle only describes the steady state. So you can’t use it to prove that human respiration isn’t increasing CO2 levels in the atmosphere because the human population has grown exponentially over the last 100 years. It has almost quadrupled since 1920. That is not a system operating in the steady state or at long-term equilibrium.

In essence, the carbon cycle describes five competing carbon reservoirs or sinks (vegetation, animals, soil, the ocean and the atmosphere) all of which also act as carbon pumps. Moreover, these five reservoirs are all interconnected, and the pumping capacity of each depends on their size. Generally, the bigger they are, the more carbon they will pump. That interconnection means that changing the size of one will change the size of all the others in order to a) balance the pumping rates, and b) to ensure that the law of conservation of mass, as applied to the amount of carbon in the system, is never violated. These changes will happen as the system seeks to find a new equilibrium position or steady state. 

So in principle, any change to either the pumping rate or the size of a reservoir will have knock-on effects throughout the rest of the carbon cycle. That means that any increase in the human population will affect everything else. We can, however, estimate what some of these changes might be based on what we know about the change in human population over the last 100 years.

As the average 70 kg person generates about 1 kg of CO2 per day, that means they transfer 100 kg of carbon to the atmosphere every year. This carbon comes from the food they eat. With nearly 8 billion people on the planet that equates to about 0.8 GtC per annum (GtC = gigatonne of carbon) being transferred into the atmosphere.

But that is not all. The average person probably eats their own bodyweight in meat every year. So the growth in the human population since 1920 must be reflected in a similar percentage growth in the number of farm livestock. If we assume there is about 2 kg of livestock per 1 kg of human (i.e. a 2 year supply of meat in production), then the overall CO2 production from both will be about 2.4 GtC per annum. This is about a quarter of our fossil fuel CO2 output so it is not insignificant. But is this directly increasing atmospheric CO2 levels as some climate change deniers might claim (although I'm not entirely sure which)?

Some people have suggested that the increases in human and livestock CO2 emissions are offset by increased crop production. Their argument is that, as all the carbon we breathe out comes from crops, any increase in the CO2 produced by the human population will be offset by a commensurate increase in crop production required to feed the extra humans and their livestock. That in essence is the core of the original rebuttal from Skeptical Science outlined above. The problem is that this is not true either.

Increased crop production comes at the expense of other types of vegetation (e.g. forests). The total area under human cultivation may increase, but the total amount of land and vegetation won’t. All available fertile land is already fully occupied with vegetation, so any increase in farmland will be at the expense of wild countryside. Changing usage from one to the other does not increase CO2 uptake because both types of land are already doing this. For example, deforestation in the Amazon region driven by the desire to grow crops and farm cattle does not increase the rate of CO2 capture in the region. If anything, it decreases it. Forests, so we are told, are the best carbon dioxide scrubbers.

Also, increasing the number of animals does not increase the amount of vegetation or its growth rate. Instead it decreases the amount of carbon going into the soil. Animals eat plants before those plant can die and before they can decay in the soil. This means that animals replace the CO2 producing capacity of the soil. That is where the substitution occurs. And if the pumping efficiencies of both animals and the soil were the same then nothing much would change as the animal population increases. But they aren’t the same. 

The carbon pumping efficiency of the soil is only 4%. As Fig. 36.1 indicates, the soil contains 1580 GtC globally but emits 60 GtC per annum. Humans store only 0.1 GtC but emit 0.8 GtC per annum. That is an efficiency of 800%. If we include livestock, the efficiency will be broadly the same (800%) but the size of the carbon reservoir and CO2 emissions will both be about three times greater, for the reasons outlined above. This also means that the increase in CO2 production from humans and livestock is the same as that produced by about 4% of the Earth’s soil. The consequence of this is that the volume of the soil must reduce by 4% over time as its pumping capacity is replaced by human and their animals, and the amount of carbon entering it from dead plants declines. 

So 63.2 GtC will be lost from the soil while only 0.3 GtC will be transferred to storage in humans and animals, and none to plants. There is only one other place that most of the 62.9 GtC can go: the atmosphere. This 62.9 GtC will increase the atmospheric CO2 concentration by about 25-30 ppm. So the human population increase could have increased atmospheric CO2 levels by up to 30 ppm over time, and about 20 ppm since 1920.

Fig. 36.2: A schematic illustration of the carbon cycle on land.


To understand this more fully consider the schematic diagram in Fig. 36.2 above. This represents the part of the carbon cycle involving exchange of carbon between the air and land in the case where initially there are no animals in existence. The terms T1-T4 are the flow rates of carbon between the three reservoirs, with the size of each reservoir indicated in parentheses. The four flow rates represent carbon capture in plants by photosynthesis (T1), respiration from plants and animals (T2), the transfer of dead plant and animal matter to the soil (T3), and the decay of organic matter in the soil to release CO2 back into the atmosphere (T4).

In equilibrium the flow rates into and out of each reservoir must balance. So 

T1 = T2 + T4


T1 = T2 + T3


T3 = T4

Only two of these equations are independent. In addition, the total amount of carbon in the system must remain constant at 2940 GtC (=1580+610+750).

Now suppose the ecosystem outlined in Fig. 36.2 initially contains only plants and bacteria in the soil. Then we introduce some animals. The effect of animals is to eat some of the plants and emit CO2. This means respiration (T2) must increase by an amount x and the amount of plant matter entering the soil (T3) must decrease by the same amount in order for Eq. 36.2 to balance. For the case of the addition of humans and livestock we have already estimated that x = 2.4 GtC per annum. 

The problem is that both Eq. 36.1 and Eq. 36.3 now no longer balance. Only Eq. 36.2 remains balanced. So the soil will lose 2.4 GtC per annum and the atmosphere will gain 2.4 GtC per annum. There is a mass transfer of carbon from the soil to the atmosphere. This will only stop when the emission of CO2 from the soil (T4) decreases, as it will do gradually due to the slow and gradual reduction in its volume. When that happens both Eq. 36.1 and Eq. 36.3 will once more balance and the mass transfer will stop. That will happen when T4 has also decreased by x. As T4 was initially about 60 GtC per annum, this requires a 4% reduction in T4, and therefore a 4% reduction in the volume of the soil, i.e. 63 GtC (the rate of decay of the soil and its rate of emission of CO2 must be proportional to the soil volume). That amounts to a total mass transfer of approximately 63 GtC to the atmosphere, the same as in our preliminary calculation above.

Is this an upper estimate? Yes, probably. It assumes that the growth in the human population and farming livestock is a net gain in terms of animal numbers and that they do not merely substitute for the loss of other species. But we know this is not true. Humans and their livestock do displace other creatures to some extent. This analysis also omits any additional loss of CO2 to the oceans and changes to vegetation volumes through loss of soil (down 4%) and increasing growth rates due to increased CO2 levels in the atmosphere (up by 8%). But what it does demonstrate is that when the human population changes, everything else changes. 



What we have shown here is that changes to the ecological balance between plants and animals changes the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. So respiration by humans and other animals can contribute to a build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

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